
Finding Sunshine Inside and Out

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Saturday was our last Spring 2018 Body Back class. It seems fitting that our very last class of the session was the first that we were able to hold outside at Seven Gables. Transformation – spring is here at last. Like the first flowers of the season, we’ve made our way through the ups and downs of the past 8 weeks, setting down roots and turning to the sun to grow and flourish.

It sounds cliché but each session I complete helps me blossom a little bit more. For the first time in a long time (maybe ever), I feel confident. In control. Secure in who I am and willing to embrace my imperfections instead of focused on correcting them. This is what Body Back has given me:  the courage and freedom to love myself as I am right now, not where I could be. Me, now, flaws and all. Beautiful. Strong.

It’s this newfound confidence that has allowed me to share my journey over the past 8 weeks with you on the FIT4MOM DuPage County blog. And it’s the support of the moms around me who have convinced me to keep going with it. I’m launching, because of the energy and passion I’ve found this session. The blog is a work in progress to be sure, but then, so am I.

I’m not going right into another full Body Back session for the summer, opting to take a break and focus on this new endeavor, but my journey is far from over. Instead, my challenge for the next 8 weeks and beyond will be to see how I can sustain the changes I’ve made over the past year on my own, without an instructor overseeing my food journal and without a dedicated support group for motivation and accountability.

It will be a challenge. But I’m leaving this session knowing that I have all the tools I need to continue with a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Even better, I have an entire Village of incredible moms behind me for motivation and support.

As I lay on my mat today at the end of class, feeling the sun kiss my face in a way that’s been missing this long winter, I was reminded of one of my favorite quotes:

“The sun shines not on us, but in us.” – John Muir

I’m taking this message to heart. If there’s only one thing you take away from my musings over the past 8 weeks, it’s this: Dig deep, find the sunshine inside yourself, and don’t be afraid to let that light shine bright.

That is where the change happens. And that is the magic of Body Back.

XOXO Kate #NeverDoneWithFun signature

New to #NeverDoneWithFun? Read my full 8-week Body Back journey for inspiration on healthy living and clean eating.


This post was first published on the FIT4MOM DuPage County Body Back blog.

FIT4MOM gives women the “Strength for Motherhood” by providing classes and support for moms in every stage of motherhood. Through Fit4Baby prenatal fitness classes, Stroller Strides, Stroller Barre, Body Back, and Our Village, women have the opportunity for workouts and support that is flexible around motherhood.

FIT4MOM DuPage County offers classes in the western suburbs of Chicago, including Glen Ellyn, Elmhurst, Lombard and Wheaton. Your first class is always free! Set up your free class

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