Hands holding shots together cheers marshmallow s'mores shooters
celebrate, nourish

Grownup S’mores Marshmallow Shooters

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Grownup S'mores Chocolate-dipped marshmallow s'more shooters liquor-filled boozy #dessert #smores

When the sun goes down and a hot summer day cools off into a beautiful summer night, it’s the perfect time to pull out the firepit and build a bonfire. No bonfire is complete with that childhood delight, s’mores.

Backyard campfire fire pit roasted marshallows golden toasted on skewer

Graham crackers. Toasted marshmallows. The classic Hershey’s chocolate bars. It’s summer treat perfection. Because what’s better than ooey-gooey chocolatey s’mores?

Classic campfire s'mores toasted marshmallow graham cracker sandwich

Grownup s’mores that involve alcohol.

Chocolate-dipped marshmallow s'more shooters

My mama tribe was getting together on a Friday night for a much-needed moms night out before all of our littles go off to kindergarten this fall. Our hostess volunteered her firepit for s’mores and asked who was going to bring the boozy marshmallows.

Well, I didn’t know that was a thing. But of course, Pinterest did. After surveying some recipes, even this Pinterest mom decided homemade marshmallows, boozy or not, did not have the ROI on time and energy. Plus, no way were boozy marshmallows going to give us any kind of buzz.

But s’mores shots on the other hand…

When I happened upon the Campfire Giant Roasters marshmallows at Aldi, it all came together in my head.

Chocolate-dipped marshmallow s'more shooters liquor-filled

The marshmallow shotglasses were so much fun and added to the celebratory party mood. But if you are reading this recipe and thinking, “Ain’t nobody got time to hollow out marshmallows,” I’ve adapted it into a Grownup S’mores Martini recipe too. Shake, garnish, and serve if that’s more your speed. (I totally get it.)

Whichever you pick, the combination of good friends, lots of laughter, and marshmallow vodka makes for a night to remember. Cheers to s’more summer fun!

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Grownup S’mores Marshmallow Shooters


Marshmallows Magic Shell chocolate topping graham cracker crumbs ingredients layflat



  1. Dip cake decorating tip into bowl of warm water so it is fully wet. This prevents sticking.
  2. Insert base (wide circle, not decorating part) of the tip about half-way into the marshmallow.
    Giant marshmallow cake tip
  3. Twist cake decorating tip in a circle or back and forth, rotating to widen the hole slightly.
  4. Remove tip from marshmallow. Using clean hands or gloved fingers, remove inside of marshmallow to hollow out the center. Discard (or eat!) marshmallow chunk.
    Marshmallows hollow center shotglass
  5. If you would like to make the hollow center a little larger, wet gloved fingers and press sides of marshmallow “shotglass” outward, exactly as you would in making a ceramic pot.
  6. Rewet cake decorating tip before repeating process for each marshmallow. This step is key to preventing a sticky marshmallow mess.
  7. Let hollowed marshmallows dry before chocolate dipping.
  8. Prepare your graham cracker crumbs in a shallow bowl or on a plate.
  9. On a second plate or shallow bowl, add a small pool of Magic Shell chocolate fudge topping.
  10. Drizzle small amount of Magic Shell topping inside marshmallow hollow.
    Chocolate dipped marshmallow s'mores shooter
  11. Rotate and turn marshmallow so that entire inside is covered in chocolate. Drip excess onto plate or shallow bowl.
  12. Dip top of marshmallow into pool of Magic Shell on plate to coat the lip of the “shotglass.”
  13. Dip into graham cracker crumbs.
  14. Set aside to harden while you repeat with all marshmallows.
    Chocolate-dipped marshmallw s'more shots
  15. Store in the freezer to fully harden topping. Best if kept in the freezer until ready to use!

Grownup s'more shots chocolate-dipped marshmallow


  • The giant marshmallows are key for this recipe. A regular Jet-Puffed Jumbo marshmallow is too small to be able to hollow out and maintain structural integrity well enough to hold the liquor shot. You need the girth of the Giant Roasters for that.
    Giant marshmallows on kitchen table
  • If you don’t want to make your own graham crackers crumbs, I bought and crumbled a graham cracker crust instead.
  • The Magic Shell topping is designed for frozen or cold items like ice cream. When left at room temperature, it won’t fully solidify. Hence storing these in the freezer. What that means is that while dipping, you don’t have to work particularly quickly, because the hardening isn’t immediately. What it also means is that they can be a bit messy to handle if not frozen.
    Chocolate-dipped marshmallow s'more shots graham cracker crumbs
  • Use melting chocolate for the dipping process instead if you plan to leave the shooters at room temperature for longer periods of time.
  • If you want to get really fancy, use a grill lighter to gently toast the outside of the marshmallow after dipping for a perfect golden crisp. But don’t put these on a stick over the campfire – they will melt too fast.
Grownup S’mores Shot
  • 1 part marshmallow vodka
  • 1 part crème de cacao
  • 1 part Bailey’s Irish Cream

Shake to combine. This shot packs a punch – but isn’t that what shots should do? For something that goes down a little easier, omit the vodka: The flavor is still just as delicious, especially when done from a chocolate-covered marshmallow shotglass.

Chocolate-graham cracker dipped marshmallow shot

Add to frozen marshmallow shotglass, shoot it back, and then decide whether you’re going to do another one or just eat the liquor-soaked marshmallow. Drinking Buddies cocktail/wine glass markers optional, but isn’t a marshmallow shot funnier with “Mitch” the half-naked guy hanging off it?

Marshmallow s'more shots cocktail marker

The best thing about bonfires and s’mores is that there’s a seamless transition from summer to fall.  I’m looking forward to many more evenings spent around a fire with friends and the adult version of s’mores.

Share your campfire shenanigans fueled by s’mores shooters with #NeverDoneWithFun!

XOXO Kate #NeverDoneWithFun signature

Grownup S'mores Chocolate-dipped marshmallow s'more shooters liquor-filled boozy #dessert #smores
Grownup S'mores Chocolate-dipped marshmallow s'more shooters liquor-filled boozy #dessert #smores
Grownup S'mores Chocolate-dipped marshmallow s'more shooters liquor-filled boozy #dessert #smores

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