Mom's First Day of School: Tips to Unwind and Recharge Free Chalkboard Printable Sign

Mom’s First Day of School: Tips to Unwind & Recharge

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Mom's First Day of School: Tips to Unwind and Recharge Free Chalkboard Printable SignHow to Make the Most of Back-to-School – with Free Funny Chalkboard Printable!

On the first day of kindergarten, we cry.

On the second day of kindergarten, we pop the bubbly, get a pedicure, and put our feet up – AT LAST! Because we did it: We pulled ourselves together, completed a whole list of getting-ready tasks, packed those backpacks and lunches, and dropped our kids off at school without shedding a tear (at least not in front of our kids).

Mom's First Day of School: Tips to Unwind and Recharge Free Chalkboard Printable Sign

Now that I’ve been through the very first day, it’ll never be as bad. I know what to expect. By the time Sawyer goes to kindergarten, I’ll be pushing him out the car without even slowing down in the drop-off line and yelling at Easton to show his little brother the ropes. I am a school-age mom now. I. GOT. THIS.

So today is all about self-care and celebrating. I have free time! With no kids! However will I fill those empty hours…?

Mom's First Day of School: Tips to Unwind and Recharge Free Chalkboard Printable Sign

Coffee. Wine. Splurge. Repeat.

Mom's First Day of School: Tips to Unwind and Recharge Free Chalkboard Printable Sign

Download and print my free tongue-in-cheek chalkboard printable and celebrate how amazing you are for getting your kids off to school this morning. Here’s what’s on my agenda.

Download Mom’s First Day of School Funny Free Chalkboard Printable

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5 Things Moms Everywhere Are Doing When the Kids Go Back to Schoo1.

1. All the self-care tasks we’ve neglected until now. Over the next two days, I have scheduled: a haircut, an eyebrow wax, a mani/pedi, and my yearly doctor’s appointment. Some of these tasks are more mundane than indulgent, but all are necessary. The sad truth about #momlife, especially working mom life, is that you often have to take a day off of work or hire a babysitter in order to do the most dreaded tasks – like going to the gyno – off of your to-do list. While it’s not my favorite way to spend a so-called vacation day, it sure as heck beats dragging my kids along for that traumatizing ride.

Mom's First Day of School: Tips to Unwind and Recharge Free Chalkboard Printable Sign

2. Cleaning the house and throwing away toys uninterrupted. My only real goal for the next two days is to get the basement playroom/disaster area back in order. Starting with a toy purge. Every mom knows a toy purge is impossible when the kids are home because the toys covered in two inches of dust on the shelf for the past two years suddenly become the most favorite, can’t-ever-part-with-them items that you are a monster to even consider tossing. I’m armed and ready with my giant black garbage bags. The fall resale season is just around the corner, and this is the perfect time to make a little extra cash while clearing the clutter.

3. Taking five minutes to catch our breath and refocus. It’s OK to spend the 7 hours that your kids are at school watching trashy TV, texting your friends, and generally slugging around in yoga pants and no bra. I don’t recommend you do this every day for the next school year, but after a summer with kids, a minute to yourself is merited. Nap if you want to. (I’m going to.) Take an insanely long hot shower.

Mom's First Day of School: Tips to Unwind and Recharge

But then, once you’ve indulged for a few hours and feel refreshed, catch that second wind and focus on your goals. For me, I’m breaking out my planner and writing out what I want to accomplish, scheduling my workouts and time away from home, and generally getting organized for this next phase of life.

Mom's First Day of School: Tips to Unwind and Recharge

After you rest, you’ll be ready to hit it hard on goals to get more done than ever before. Remember: Learn how to rest, not quit. (#mottoforlife)

A Reluctant Runners Guide to Getting Your Miles In: 10 Tips for Beginning Runners

4. Enjoying our coffee hot (or still frozen). Inhale the coffee aroma. Feel the steam on your cheek. Let the mug gently warm your hands. Sip carefully so as not to burn your tongue. Can you remember the last time you drank actual hot coffee by yourself? If you can’t, it’s time to get yourself to Starbucks and revel in free WiFi and child-free social media scrolling.

Mom's First Day of School: Tips to Unwind and Recharge Free Chalkboard Printable Sign

Or grab your favorite mug (here’s a couple of mine) from the cabinet and you don’t even have to get out of your pajamas to savor that caffeine infusion.

Mom's First Day of School: Tips to Unwind and Recharge

5. Raising a glass to the freedom. I recognize that for many moms, a wine-down after bedtime is not something reserved for back-to-school. It’s more like a survival technique for every day of life with kids. But the spirit of the wine-down remains: Cheers yourself, mama. Whether that’s a glass (or a bottle) after bedtime, or a mimosa during mid-week brunch with other thrilled mamas, raise a glass to yourself and take the edge off in your favorite way.

Mom's First Day of School: Tips to Unwind and Recharge

Personally, I thought two successful kindergarten drop-offs merited a glass of champagne and a bubble bath. If alcohol isn’t your cup of tea but actual tea is instead, brew a warm, cozy mug of your favorite and collapse on the couch. However you choose to “cheers” yourself, you’ve earned it.

Mom's First Day of School: Tips to Unwind and Recharge

Filling out my own Mom’s First Day free printable made me smile, so I hope you’ll take a minute to do the same. I’d love to get to know you and see what your school year is going to look like. Share your Mom’s First Day moments with #NeverDoneWithFun!

XOXO Kate #NeverDoneWithFun signature

Mom's First Day of School: Tips to Unwind and Recharge Free Chalkboard Printable Sign

Mom's First Day of School: Tips to Unwind and Recharge Free Chalkboard Printable Sign

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