Glow-in-the-Dark Eyeball Jell-O Shots: A Boozy Fun Treat for Your Halloween Party

Glow-in-the-Dark Eyeball Jell-O Shots

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Glow-in-the-Dark Eyeball Jell-O Shots: A Boozy Fun Treat for Your Halloween PartyPut the “BOO!” in boozy Halloween party fun when you bring the most spooktacular contribution with these creepy eyeball Jell-O shots.

Not only are they flavored with your favorite flavored vodka…but they glow subtly under a black light! (That’s the quinine in the tonic water, in case you were curious.)

If glowing eyeballs aren’t your thing or you don’t have a black light, feel free to use regular tap water or flavored seltzer water in place of tonic. A kid-friendly version with juice instead of vodka is included at the end of the post too.

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Glow-in-the-Dark Eyeball Jell-O Shots

Supplies & Ingredients


1. Lightly spray ice cube tray with Pam nonstick spray, then gently wipe to remove excess.

2. Bring 1 cup tonic water to a gentle boil.

3. Mix boiling tonic water with 1 (6 oz) Svedka gelatin packet. Stir until gelatin is fully dissolved.

4. Stir in 1/2 cup flavored vodka.

5. Slowly pour into mini ball ice cube mold. Do not overfill. Each ball should be about 90% full, not to the top. You want to leave a small flat space at the top of each eyeball for the icing for the pupil.

6. Refrigerate 2 hours or until firm.

7. For best results and easy transport, leave eyeballs in mold. Remove top of mold so bottom of each “eyeball” sits in mold but top is open.

8. Squeeze gel blue or gel green icing in a circular motion to create the iris of the eyeball.

9. Squeeze a drop of black gel icing in the center of the blue or green to make a pupil.

10. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Serving tip: The recipe will make more than 1 tray of eyeballs. Since I had only one tray, I poured the remainder of the Jell-O shot mixture into a lightly sprayed round 9-inch Pyrex pie pan and refrigerated it to set it. Once set, I cut the flat round Jell-O jiggler to look like a spiderweb of broken glass, and dug out indentations in the jiggler to set the finished eyeballs and better hold them in place.

Bring to your favorite adult Halloween party, put the tray under a black light, and watch them glow! Then pop into your mouth for a boozy, creepy Halloween Jell-O shot.

Kid-Friendly Variation

Cut tonic water down to 2/3 cup. Replace vodka with 1/2 cup white grape juice and 1/3 cup boiling tap water (diluting the juice lightens the color). Add 1-2 tsp sugar (to taste).

This kid-friendly version obviously contains no alcohol but may glow somewhat less vibrantly because of the reduced amount of tonic water.

Share your glow-in-the-dark (probably boozy) Halloween party shenanigans with #NeverDoneWithFun!

XOXO Kate #NeverDoneWithFun signature

Glow-in-the-Dark Eyeball Jell-O Shots: A Boozy Fun Treat for Your Halloween Party

Glow-in-the-Dark Eyeball Jell-O Shots: A Boozy Fun Treat for Your Halloween Party

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