Gratitude, A to Z: Finding Joy in the Everyday

Gratitude, A to Z

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It’s official. Today is Thanksgiving, so the holiday season is off and running. I’ve been working on being intentional with my time during this busy time and ending my day with gratitude.

As part of my gratitude practice for Thanksgiving this week, I challenged myself to complete a gratitude list, A to Z. I came up with 90% of them within about an hour. There are so many things in my life to be grateful for. But there were a few letters that really stumped me: N…O…R…U…

In a life with so many blessings, coming up with 26 things shouldn’t be a struggle. But sometimes we get lost in the weeds of life and forget how to focus on what’s really important. If that’s where you are this season, know that you are not alone.

But I encourage you to take a pause and make a list. It doesn’t have to be alphabetical. Start with 5, and then expand it to 10. Try to note your gratitudes daily for a week and see how you feel at the end of your practice. I hope it’s a little bit more joyful than where you started. The holidays are a time to be filled with joy, and gratitude is one way to get there.

Gratitude, A to Z

Adventures with my family.

Gratitude, A to Z: Finding Joy in the Everyday

a Body that does so much and has come so far.

Coffee. All the coffee.

a Dog that keeps my feet warm in bed at night.

Gratitude, A to Z: Finding Joy in the Everyday

Exercise to strengthen my body and clear my mind.

Friends who keep me sane and laughing no matter what #momlife throws at us.

Grandparents who make my boys’ lives happier and my life exponentially easier.

Gratitude, A to Z: Finding Joy in the Everyday

Health, which should never be taken for granted.

Internet access (I know … #firstworldgratitude, right?)

a Job that’s stable yet flexible for family life.

my Kids who teach me love and gratitude every day of the year.

Gratitude, A to Z: Finding Joy in the Everyday

the Love of a husband who is also a best friend and equal partner.

a Marriage that endures the ups and downs of parenting.

Gratitude, A to Z: Finding Joy in the Everyday

Nature to inspire and soothe my soul.

Online shopping, a passion and a necessity all in one.

Parents who are role models for how I strive to raise my own family.

Quiet moments to reflect and recharge.

Resilience to keep going no matter what.

Strength of body and strength of character.

Gratitude, A to Z: Finding Joy in the Everyday

more Time for myself than most moms gets.

Unconditional acceptance from my closest circle, both family and friends.

a Village of moms for support, advice, and motivation.

a Warm house filled with love and comfort.

Xtra hugs and cuddles from the boys when I need it.

Gratitude, A to Z: Finding Joy in the Everyday

Y-O-U! In case no one has told you today, I’m especially grateful for all of you. Everyone who reads, and everyone who inspires.

those Zen moments when I realize that everything I need is already right in front of me and every day is filled with tiny perfect moments that don’t even register.

Gratitude, A to Z: Finding Joy in the Everyday

Happy Thanksgiving, friends. May your day be filled with food, family, good wine, and gratitude. And if you have a minute amid the turkey and pumpkin pie, post a pic or drop a comment of one thing you’re thankful for. I love reading them and celebrating our joys together.

XOXO Kate #NeverDoneWithFun signature

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