The Power of Community: How Finding Your Tribe Can Make the Difference Between Motivation or Not | FIT4MOM Body Back Transformation Week 2 | #fitnessjourney #fitspo #motivation

The Power of Community

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This post is part of a partnership with FIT4MOM DuPage County. All opinions are my own.

I just finished up my second week of FIT4MOM Body Back (already!), and I’ll be real honest: I’ve been so good — sticking with the meal plan, drinking tons of water, skipping after-dinner snacks, and getting in my workouts while honoring my rest days — and yet the scale isn’t showing any progress.

It’s frustrating, right? You do the hard work, you want instant results to motivate you to keep going. I know it. I get it. Instant gratification is my downfall too.

But here’s the thing: Any sort of lasting body or mind transformation isn’t a quick fix. It’s the long game and you have to keep putting in the work and showing up.

The Power of Community: How Finding Your Tribe Can Make the Difference Between Motivation or Not | FIT4MOM Body Back Transformation Week 2 | #fitnessjourney #fitspo #motivation

The question becomes: How do you stay motivated to do that? Especially while you wait for results to happen – because they will happen, but they won’t happen overnight.

My answer: Lean on others to motivate you.

In fitness and in motherhood, I can’t emphasize this enough: Find your tribe. Surround yourself with like-minded people who share your goals and your struggles.

Finding More in Less: 2019 Mindset | Six strategies for living my best life this year

At weigh-in last week, some of us Body Back repeaters talked about the ups and downs of a session and of a healthy lifestyle in general. We commiserated about the evils of the scale, and I was reminded why I stopped weighing myself regularly last summer. It’s a mind game, and a losing one at that. We noted ironically that some of our “skinniest” moments were also some of our least happy ones – and yet we still look back on photos from that time enviously.

I went into the workout that night ready to bring all my energy and sweat out the discouragement. It worked. And later, as I went into a weekend filled with temptations (brunch and birthday parties, yikes), I remembered our conversation and let it carry me through.

The Power of Community: How Finding Your Tribe Can Make the Difference Between Motivation or Not | FIT4MOM Body Back Transformation Week 2 | #fitnessjourney #fitspo #motivation
Sparkling water instead of wine on a Friday night

Knowing that you are not alone in a struggle makes the struggle a little easier. Watching your circle face the same temptations and share their own triumphs makes it easier yet. So I encourage you: Find the people who lift you up. Find the people who push you to be better. Celebrate their victories as they celebrate yours. And give yourself the same unconditional grace and encouragement you give to them.

With a community of strong, committed women behind me, I’ll keep doing what I’ve been doing this session of Body Back, and I’ll trust the process that the results will come. I’m OK with the long game after all.

XOXO Kate #NeverDoneWithFun signature

Keep following my 8-week journey here and on Instagram for more successes, struggles, tips and tricks! Try a FIT4MOM class – first one is always free.

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