Excavator Raisin Valentine Printable for Toddlers: Easy Healthy Make-Your-Own Cards with Mini Boxes of Raisins #valentines #toddlers #crafts

Excavator Raisin Valentine Printable for Toddlers

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Excavator Raisin Valentine Printable for Toddlers: Easy Healthy Make-Your-Own Cards with Mini Boxes of Raisins #valentines #toddlers #crafts

Last one for the toddler set! This valentine capitalizes on little boys’ love of all things construction and includes a healthy snack instead of candy. It will make you a winner with daycare teachers and other parents alike.

You can make this Excavator Raisin Valentine with my free printable and a bag of Sun-Maid raisins mini boxes (the vanilla yogurt-dipped ones are my favorite) for about 33 cents each.

Download Excavator Raisin Valentine Printable (6 per sheet)

Excavator Raisin Valentine Printable for Toddlers: Easy Healthy Make-Your-Own Cards with Mini Boxes of Raisins #valentines #toddlers #crafts

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Excavator Raisin Valentine Card

As with the Star Wars glowstick light saber valentine and ‘Doh You Want to Be My Valentine’ Play-Doh card, I created this Valentine printable designed to fit on my favorite easy-punch Avery paper stock and accommodate the Sun-Maid raisins mini snacks (either regular or vanilla yogurt-dipped).

Excavator Raisin Valentine Printable for Toddlers: Easy Healthy Make-Your-Own Cards with Mini Boxes of Raisins #valentines #toddlers #crafts

Just like the Goldfish valentine, this one doesn’t really require step-by-step instructions but I’ll walk you through my process anyway.

Excavator Raisin Valentine Printable for Toddlers: Easy Healthy Make-Your-Own Cards with Mini Boxes of Raisins #valentines #toddlers #crafts

Quick and Easy How-To:

Print and cut cards (see Tips below for my paper recommendation – Avery prepunched stock makes it so easy).

Excavator Raisin Valentine Printable for Toddlers: Easy Healthy Make-Your-Own Cards with Mini Boxes of Raisins #valentines #toddlers #crafts

Separate the cards and decide how you’ll attach the mini boxes of raisins to the card. I vote a tape donut of Scotch or masking tape, personally. Hot glue or glue dots are also an option.

Excavator Raisin Valentine Printable for Toddlers: Easy Healthy Make-Your-Own Cards with Mini Boxes of Raisins #valentines #toddlers #crafts

Adhere the mini box of raisins to the big red rectangle on the excavator, then sign your child’s name and be done.

Excavator Raisin Valentine Printable for Toddlers: Easy Healthy Make-Your-Own Cards with Mini Boxes of Raisins #valentines #toddlers #crafts
Tips for Printables:
Excavator Raisin Valentine Printable for Toddlers: Easy Healthy Make-Your-Own Cards with Mini Boxes of Raisins #valentines #toddlers #crafts

For the toddler set, a healthy snack is always appreciated by other moms. It beats the sugar rush of M&Ms or fruit snacks. And you can’t beat the price of $4 for a bag of 12 boxes of raisins.

Like what you see? Follow me on Instagram and Pinterest for daily ideas and inspiration, including the LEGO crayon project coming to finish this year’s valentine printables!

XOXO Kate #NeverDoneWithFun signature
Excavator Raisin Valentine Printable for Toddlers: Easy Healthy Make-Your-Own Cards with Mini Boxes of Raisins #valentines #toddlers #crafts
Excavator Raisin Valentine Printable for Toddlers: Easy Healthy Make-Your-Own Cards with Mini Boxes of Raisins #valentines #toddlers #crafts
Excavator Raisin Valentine Printable for Toddlers: Easy Healthy Make-Your-Own Cards with Mini Boxes of Raisins #valentines #toddlers #crafts
Excavator Raisin Valentine Printable for Toddlers: Easy Healthy Make-Your-Own Cards with Mini Boxes of Raisins #valentines #toddlers #crafts

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