DIY Lightsaber Weapons Rack for Star Wars Boys' Kids' Bedroom Wall Decor | Tutorial to make your own wall-mounted storage rack for under $20 #starwars #lightsaber #kidsbedroom #diy

Star Wars Lightsaber Rack

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Easy DIY Craft Project – No Tools Required for Assembly!

DIY Lightsaber Weapons Rack for Star Wars Boys' Kids' Bedroom Wall Decor | Tutorial to make your own wall-mounted storage rack for under $20 #starwars #lightsaber #kidsbedroom #diy

You know you’re a boy mom when … you have a weapons basket. And a weapons bin. And you still have weapons all over the bedroom floor at any given moment.

It’s time to get organized, because I’m sick of tripping over lightsabers and Nerf guns in Easton’s new outer space themed bedroom. I spent hours making that room fun and functional, so when it’s cluttered beyond belief, I get a little frustrated.

For a storage solution that doubles as a cool wall decoration, make a DIY lightsaber rack. This project requires no tools for assembly and cost under $20 total.

DIY Lightsaber Weapons Rack for Star Wars Boys' Kids' Bedroom Wall Decor | Tutorial to make your own wall-mounted storage rack for under $20 #starwars #lightsaber #kidsbedroom #diy

The lightsabers snap in and out of plastic broom/mop holders easily, so the kids can hang them up or take them down themselves. Any solution that allows my boys to pick up after themselves — and have fun doing it — is a win for me.

DIY Lightsaber Weapons Rack for Star Wars Boys' Kids' Bedroom Wall Decor | Tutorial to make your own wall-mounted storage rack for under $20 #starwars #lightsaber #kidsbedroom #diy

After I finished the rack, #DoneWithFun Daddy looked at it and remarked, “Why did you put seven holders on it? We don’t have seven lightsabers.”

He’s right. We have five. But if we have five already and we haven’t even seen the actual “Star Wars” movies yet, adding two more to the collection seems inevitable. Plus, the self-adhesive holders that make this project super-simple came in a pack of eight, and I could make a pretty pattern with seven.

DIY Lightsaber Weapons Rack for Star Wars Boys' Kids' Bedroom Wall Decor | Tutorial to make your own wall-mounted storage rack for under $20 #starwars #lightsaber #kidsbedroom #diy

As you can see, we aren’t letting those holders go to waste.

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How to Make a Star Wars Lightsaber Rack for Under $20


DIY Lightsaber Weapons Rack for Star Wars Boys' Kids' Bedroom Wall Decor | Tutorial to make your own wall-mounted storage rack for under $20 #starwars #lightsaber #kidsbedroom #diy


1. Start by laying out where you want each self-adhesive broom holder square to be placed so that you have a plan before sticking them onto the shelf.

DIY Lightsaber Weapons Rack for Star Wars Boys' Kids' Bedroom Wall Decor | Tutorial to make your own wall-mounted storage rack for under $20 #starwars #lightsaber #kidsbedroom #diy

2. The broom holders should be oriented with the plastic holder toward the top of the square. This provides the most secure fastening for the lightsaber and bears the weight most efficiently.

DIY Lightsaber Weapons Rack for Star Wars Boys' Kids' Bedroom Wall Decor | Tutorial to make your own wall-mounted storage rack for under $20 #starwars #lightsaber #kidsbedroom #diy

3. Peel backing off first square and stick firmly to board, using fingers or plastic knife to smooth and press in place. Repeat with all self-adhesive squares in the bottom row.

DIY Lightsaber Weapons Rack for Star Wars Boys' Kids' Bedroom Wall Decor | Tutorial to make your own wall-mounted storage rack for under $20 #starwars #lightsaber #kidsbedroom #diy

4. Repeat process with top row of self-adhesive squares, placing them evenly between the bottom row.

DIY Lightsaber Weapons Rack for Star Wars Boys' Kids' Bedroom Wall Decor | Tutorial to make your own wall-mounted storage rack for under $20 #starwars #lightsaber #kidsbedroom #diy
DIY Lightsaber Weapons Rack for Star Wars Boys' Kids' Bedroom Wall Decor | Tutorial to make your own wall-mounted storage rack for under $20 #starwars #lightsaber #kidsbedroom #diy

5. Use silver metallic dot stickers (leftover from accenting the walls with Star Wars decor) to place a line of dots on either end of the rack. On the 8-inch board, I used 7 dots.

DIY Lightsaber Weapons Rack for Star Wars Boys' Kids' Bedroom Wall Decor | Tutorial to make your own wall-mounted storage rack for under $20 #starwars #lightsaber #kidsbedroom #diy

6. Voila! You have a lightsaber rack ready to be hung on the wall.

DIY Lightsaber Weapons Rack for Star Wars Boys' Kids' Bedroom Wall Decor | Tutorial to make your own wall-mounted storage rack for under $20 #starwars #lightsaber #kidsbedroom #diy

7. Caution: Allow rack to sit untouched for at least 24 hours to allow adhesive to more permanently bond with the board surface. Do not hang anything from the broom holders until then.

8. After “curing” for 24 hours minimum, your lightsaber rack is ready to be hung on the wall! We opted to mount our rack directly into the wall studs with screws for maximum safety.

DIY Lightsaber Weapons Rack for Star Wars Boys' Kids' Bedroom Wall Decor | Tutorial to make your own wall-mounted storage rack for under $20 #starwars #lightsaber #kidsbedroom #diy

9. Use a stud finder to locate the studs and an electric drill to affix the rack to the wall with screws. Hang rack at a height that your child can easily reach to hang and remove their lightsabers.

DIY Lightsaber Weapons Rack for Star Wars Boys' Kids' Bedroom Wall Decor | Tutorial to make your own wall-mounted storage rack for under $20 #starwars #lightsaber #kidsbedroom #diy

Tag #NeverDoneWithFun on social media to show me your rack (uhhh, your lightsaber rack, please) and follow me on Instagram and Pinterest for daily ideas and inspiration. I have one more DIY project to finish this Outer Space with a side of Star Wars bedroom coming next week!

XOXO Kate #NeverDoneWithFun signature
DIY Lightsaber Weapons Rack for Star Wars Boys' Kids' Bedroom Wall Decor | Tutorial to make your own wall-mounted storage rack for under $20 #starwars #lightsaber #kidsbedroom #diy
DIY Lightsaber Weapons Rack for Star Wars Boys' Kids' Bedroom Wall Decor | Tutorial to make your own wall-mounted storage rack for under $20 #starwars #lightsaber #kidsbedroom #diy
DIY Lightsaber Weapons Rack for Star Wars Boys' Kids' Bedroom Wall Decor | Tutorial to make your own wall-mounted storage rack for under $20 #starwars #lightsaber #kidsbedroom #diy

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