Road Trip Bingo Game Board car trip activities for kids road signs landmarks restaurants etc to spot from the car

Road Trip Bingo Free Printable

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Keep Your Kids From Asking “Are We There Yet?” With a Simple Fun Car Ride Game

Mom confession: We haven’t taken our kids on a vacation in a long time. Mostly because neither #DoneWithFun Daddy nor I find traveling with kids to be much of a vacation.

It’s more of a production — packing, entertaining, eating out, sleeping in one hotel room, deviating from all our routines… None of the things that my kids particularly excel at.

But they are getting older and I’m getting stir-crazy so we’re hopping in the car over the long 4th of July weekend for a little family round trip to St. Louis. The drive is under 5 hours — should be easy-peasy, right?

Road Trip Bingo Game Board car trip activities for kids road signs landmarks restaurants etc to spot from the car

Well. Maybe. Let’s just say that the last time we drove to Lake Geneva, I was asked approximately eleventy-seven billion times if we were there yet — all within the first 30 minutes. Patience is a virtue, and one my kids don’t have yet.

Road Trip Bingo Game Board car trip activities for kids road signs landmarks restaurants etc to spot from the car

Enter Road Trip Bingo: An easy way to entertain your kids on a long or short car ride — they look out the window, searching for items to cross off their cards. You put your head back, close your eyes, and relax for a minute. Just download my cute free printable below and cross your fingers that it buys you some time in between the “are we there yet?”s.

Happy road trippin’!

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Road Trip Bingo Game Board car trip activities for kids road signs landmarks restaurants etc to spot from the car
What You’ll Need

Download free printable: 
#NeverDoneWithFun Road Trip Bingo (PDF)

Road Trip Bingo Game Board road signs landmarks restaurants etc to spot from the car
How to Play

Print out cards and distribute them to all passengers in the car. (Sorry, the driver is exempt from this game for safety!)

If you have small kids and you don’t trust them with markers or pens in the car, distribute colored sticky dots or small stickers that can be used to mark off the items they spot.

If you have older kids, Bingo daubers or markers are an easy way to cross off what they see.

All players look out the window and cross off the items they see! Call them out when you spot them — if other players spot them too, they can mark them off their card as well. First one to spot a full row wins Bingo!

Keep playing over and over again until you reach your destination. 😉

Road Trip Bingo Game Board car trip activities for kids road signs landmarks restaurants etc to spot from the car
Tips for Success
  • Print out multiple set of Bingo cards. Since you’ll either be writing on the cards or sticking stickers over the items you see, you won’t be able to reuse them.
  • Don’t discard your card after the first Bingo. Keep going for multiple rows, or work toward filling the whole card for an extra prize!
  • Have a selection of small prizes at the ready: toys, games or coloring books from the Target Dollar Spot or dollar store; new-to-you (i.e., used) books; and of course, candy.
Road Trip Bingo Game Board car trip activities for kids road signs landmarks restaurants etc to spot from the car

Are you headed on any road trips this summer? Where are you off to? Comment below or connect with me on social media with #neverdonewithfun!

Follow along on InstagramFacebook, and Pinterest for more ideas and inspiration for cultivating creativity amid the chaos of #momlife.

XOXO Kate #NeverDoneWithFun signature

Need some summer fun ideas? Check out my Summer Adventure Guide and Summer Bucket List for all sorts of new places to explore.

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