DIY Wine Bottle Costume Barefoot Wine free printable cork headband adult Halloween costume party ideas

DIY Wine Bottle Costume

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Free Printables and Tutorial for That Wine Cork Headband

Need an easy Halloween costume for yourself, a duo, or a group? “Wine” no more! I’ve got you covered with a DIY costume you can make in about an hour with minimum effort and no sewing required!

Even better, it’s totally customizable. I transformed mine into a running costume for the Wicked Wine Run, a Halloween-ish 5K where costumes are more important than times and there’s wine at the finish line. I just laced up my running shoes, added a glittery running tutu and bobby-pinned my headband in tight.

DIY Wine Bottle Costume Barefoot Wine free printable cork headband adult Halloween costume party ideas

But if you’re not a runner, you can make this into a t-shirt, tank top, long-sleeve shirt, or sweatshirt, and pair it with jeans, leggings, a skirt — whatever you’re comfortable in.

Best part? There’s no sewing involved. Keep reading for the step-by-step tutorial.

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DIY Wine Bottle Costume Barefoot Wine free printable cork headband adult Halloween costume party ideas

How to Make a No-Sew Wine Bottle Costume in Under 1 Hour

Wine Bottle Shirt Supplies
Cork Headband Supplies

1. Download my free printable Barefoot wine-inspired labels for your shirts. I have Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir at the ready — more wine choices coming soon. (Email me if there’s one you’re looking for.)

Barefoot Sauvignon Blanc printable

Barefoot Pinot Noir printable

2. Print the label onto iron-on transfer paper. You will need to print a mirror image of the design so that it transfers onto your shirt correctly (these settings can be found in your Print Setup menu). Cut out the decal after printing.

DIY Wine Bottle Costume Barefoot Wine free printable cork headband adult Halloween costume party ideas

3. Follow the instructions from the transfer paper to apply the transfer to the scrap white fabric. (This step with the white fabric is to ensure that the label shows up properly on your shirt. If you iron it directly onto the shirt, the colors show through and the effect is lost.)

DIY Wine Bottle Costume Barefoot Wine free printable cork headband adult Halloween costume party ideas

4. Use your iron without steam, on the highest heat setting, and continuously move the iron over the decal for 3 minutes. Allow to cool at least 1 minute before peeling the back paper off.

DIY Wine Bottle Costume Barefoot Wine free printable cork headband adult Halloween costume party ideas

5. Cut out the graphics with fabric scissors and set up to attach the graphics to your shirt.

DIY Wine Bottle Costume Barefoot Wine free printable cork headband adult Halloween costume party ideas

6. Before applying any adhesive, place a piece of cardboard, wax paper, or other disposable barrier inside the shirt to prevent the front of the shirt from adhering to the back of the shirt.

DIY Wine Bottle Costume Barefoot Wine free printable cork headband adult Halloween costume party ideas

7. Apply a thin line of fabric adhesive along the top edge of the graphic only. Aleene’s Quick Dry Fabric Fusion is the super-glue of fabrics, and it was very easy to work with. Carefully press and smooth the top of the graphic onto the shirt. Allow to dry.

8. After drying thoroughly, flap the decal back and cover the tank top with strips of white duct tape underneath where the decal will be place. Again, this is to ensure the wine bottle label shows up on your tank top.

DIY Wine Bottle Costume Barefoot Wine free printable cork headband adult Halloween costume party ideas

9. Apply thin layer of fabric adhesive to sides of decal and slowly and carefully press down and smooth to adhere in place. After gluing both sides, glue bottom of label. Allow to dry fully. Your wine bottle shirt is complete!

DIY Wine Bottle Costume Barefoot Wine free printable cork headband adult Halloween costume party ideas

Now on to that super-cute cork headband:

10. Cut a section of the cork fabric about 8 inches in length.

DIY Wine Bottle Costume Barefoot Wine free printable cork headband adult Halloween costume party ideas

11. Line up one corner of the fabric to the top edge of the Stryofoam cut and hot glue the short edge of the fabric down the length of the cup.

DIY Wine Bottle Costume Barefoot Wine free printable cork headband adult Halloween costume party ideas

12. Roll the fabric around the cup ON THE DIAGONAL (because of the curve of the cup — you’ll end up with a cone shape when you’ve done this correctly), hot-gluing along the entire outside diameter of the cup.

DIY Wine Bottle Costume Barefoot Wine free printable cork headband adult Halloween costume party ideas

13. When the cup is covered, hot-glue the seam where it overlaps down the length of the cup.

14. Trim the excess fabric from the top of the cup. Then trim excess fabric from the bottom of the cut, leaving about a half-inch of overhang. Fold the fabric over the bottom of the cup the way you would wrap a present, overlapping and gluing until the surface is covered. If needed, cut a small circle to glue in place.

15. Trace the opening of the Styrofoam cup on another piece of cork fabric and cut out. Use the hot glue gun to carefully glue to the top of the cup.

DIY Wine Bottle Costume Barefoot Wine free printable cork headband adult Halloween costume party ideas

16. Use copious hot glue to attach the cork-wrapped cup to the center of the headband. Glue 1 x 1 inch square of cork fabric over the hot glue to further secure the cork to the headband.

DIY Wine Bottle Costume Barefoot Wine free printable cork headband adult Halloween costume party ideas

Most important step? Find a friend or a date to be the red to your white, or vice versa; pour yourselves a glass or two; and cheers to a happy Halloween with plenty of “boos” 😉

DIY Wine Bottle Costume Barefoot Wine free printable cork headband adult Halloween costume party ideas

Are you a wine lover? Red or white? What’s your favorite varietal or bottle? Drop a comment below or tag me on social media with #neverdonewithfun. I’m team Sauv Blanc (obviously) but I don’t discriminate either — as long as it costs more than Two-Buck Chuck, I can usually drink it.

DIY Wine Bottle Costume Barefoot Wine free printable cork headband adult Halloween costume party ideas

For more ideas and inspiration for creative #momlife with a glass or two of booze thrown in on the regular, follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest!

XOXO Kate #NeverDoneWithFun signature

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