Explore New Places and New Ideas This Summer with a Free Printable Treasure Map to Get You Started School is officially out for the summer as of yesterday, and the Blackwelder boys are already celebrating Water Day at their summer program today. Summer fun starts NOW! (And so does the endless cycle of sunscreening, washing …
The Numbers Game
On Defining Your Worth with Arbitrary Metrics Dear mama in the mirror, I see you, screwing up your face in dissatisfaction. Sucking in your tummy, daydreaming of even the tiniest thigh gap. I see you squeezing into those smaller jeans. I see you tugging down that skirt to hide a little more. I see you …
Dinosaur Miniature Container Garden
A Prehistoric Fairy Garden for the Future Paleontologist Crowd When your three-year-old goes around telling random strangers he’s “faster than a Gallimimus” (and said strangers look at him like WTF is a Gallimimus), it’s time to plant the kid a dinosaur garden. Last year, the boys helped me with our first magical fairy garden and …
13.1 Things I Learned From My First Half-Marathon
Mile By Mile, How I Crushed My Race Goal Preface: I was going to refer to this post as my post-mortem on last weekend’s half-marathon, but that terminology seemed overly macabre. Since I didn’t actually die running it… Now that I have a half-marathon finisher medal to prove it, I’m finally considering running one of …