When Easton barged into the house after school on Monday, I was in the kitchen, shaking a bottle of barbecue sauce. “Is that medicine for the coronavirus, Mom?” Granted, it was an oddly shaped bottle — but it was clearly time to have a conversation. Certainly everyone else is talking about coronavirus. My email is …
A Love Letter to You — and Me — on Valentine’s Weekend
Thanks to sweatyswag for gifting me the top that inspired this post OK, Valentine’s Day proper has come and gone, but love is still in the air. And yeah, I spent my Friday night eating a heart-shaped pizza at home with my husband AND my kids. A far cry from the candlelit, wine-and-roses romantic evening …
Learning to Bend, Not to Break
What You Can Discover From 30 Days of Yoga Namaste, January. Every single day last month, I made time to get to my mat and find flow — for as little as 15 minutes and as much as 2 hours. Actually, I take that back. There were two days during my 30-day yoga journey where …
Valentine-apalooza Free Printables
Make Your Own Valentine Cards and Bingo Game with Dollar Store and Party Store Finds Ordinarily, I’d spread out my valentines into individual posts over the course of one fun valentine week of content — but here’s the deal: Valentine’s Day is less than two weeks away, and you don’t have time for that and …