We took down the baby gates last month. For good. Never to be used again. And while a big part of me jumped with joy to have free access to my stairs once again, another little part of me felt a pang. We bought you a mattress last weekend. Not quite yet but so soon, …
5 Ways to Win Family Game Night
The heat index was 110 a few weekends ago. You won’t catch me and the boys outside for very long when it’s that hot. Not with our Irish skin that’s so pale we’re practically see-through. But being trapped indoors with the kids all day long can make a mom’s temperature rise, no matter how hard …
Sweet ‘n’ Salty Game Night Trail Mix
For a Game Night, Casino Night, Bunco, or any other event with games, you can’t go wrong with this cute and easy sweet ‘n’ salty trail mix. The white chocolate dice cookies are the standout. Trail mix is the easiest thing to throw together to suit any occasion, and it’s always a crowd pleaser. It’s …
The Challenge of Being Present
I’ve always pushed myself. My whole life, first at school, then at work, at home and in motherhood, I’m always striving for more – faster – harder – better. Workouts are no exception. I can always summon that last little bit of energy to push a little harder for just 10 more seconds. I can …