I wore shorts out in public this weekend for the first time since high school. Before I left the house, I stared in the mirror. I agonized. I changed into jeans and then back into shorts. And then before I could agonize another minute, I left. Wearing those shorts and vowing not to give it …
LEGO-Duplo Birthday Blast
Basically from the moment I found out Baby #2 was another boy, I started envisioning the possibilities for double birthday parties. My boys are both winter babies, with E born at the end of December and Sawyer born at the beginning of February, so my plan from the get-go was to split the difference and …
Wake-Me-Up Power Smoothie
It’s before 9 a.m. on a Sunday morning and I’ve already worked out — outside in 80 degree heat — and my kids are waiting for me by the back door, ready to go outside and “do yard work” (code for “get muddy and wet in the garden”) when I get home. But honey, Mommy …
5 Books That Teach Kids to Dream Big: Inspirational Reads You Won’t Hate Reading
I’ve been a reader my whole life, so much so that as a kid, I didn’t watch TV shows or movies until I was well into elementary school. I preferred to curl up with a book, anywhere and everywhere. My passion for books has continued into adulthood though as a busy mom, reading has become …