As a mom of two boys, a fairy garden is the closest thing I’m going to get to a real dollhouse. But more than fulfilling my dollhouse fantasies, growing a fairy garden with my boys is a project that gets us outside together all summer long. They love to get their hands muddy when we …
Making ‘Mom-Me Time’ a Priority
Recharge. Reignite. Rediscover. As we go into summer, those three little words are my mantra for what I want out of the next three months. I want to explore more of what I already love and push myself to meet new challenges and find new passions. A lot of changes are ahead of me this …
Sunrise, Sunscreen, Sunset, Repeat
Last week, it hit me that my baby is going to kindergarten at the end of the summer. Suddenly, I’m feeling pressure to celebrate the innocence of childhood and all the fun that summer can be for a kid. I’ve got big plans for this summer, and it’s going to be sunrise, sunscreen, sunset, repeat. …
Finding Sunshine Inside and Out
Saturday was our last Spring 2018 Body Back class. It seems fitting that our very last class of the session was the first that we were able to hold outside at Seven Gables. Transformation – spring is here at last. Like the first flowers of the season, we’ve made our way through the ups and …