My Picks to Re-“Kindle” 😉 a Love of Reading I’ve been a bookworm my whole life. From the moment I learned to make sense of letters and words on a page, I was hooked. I didn’t watch TV or movies as a kid. Instead, you’d find me, often hanging upside down off a couch or …
The Off Season Starts Now
Why I’m Slowing Down to Speed Up Confession time: I’ve broken my own cardinal rule of fit life. I haven’t been listening to my body. In the end stretch of marathon training, my body said, I’m tired. How much longer do we have to do this? My feet said, You need to stop. My head …
At-Home Teeth Whitening: Self-Care Starts With a Smile
How I Whitened My Sensitive Teeth Without Pain and Transformed My Nighttime Self-Care Routine As a working mom of two young kids, I can multitask with the best of them. In the 90 minutes between waking up and leaving for school/work, I can get the small humans fed and dressed and out the door, pack …
DIY Wine Bottle Costume
Free Printables and Tutorial for That Wine Cork Headband Need an easy Halloween costume for yourself, a duo, or a group? “Wine” no more! I’ve got you covered with a DIY costume you can make in about an hour with minimum effort and no sewing required! Even better, it’s totally customizable. I transformed mine into …