What Might Surprise You About the Fitness Journey The Back Story I haven’t been skinny, or even average, since the bony, knock-kneed days of childhood. As soon as prepubescence hit, my body changed, filled out, rounded in all the right places and a bunch of the wrong ones too. My friends were 5-7-9, just like …
Pitcher Strawberry Basil Margaritas
Your Summer Party Big-Batch Cocktail Is it too early to be thinking about margaritas? Trick question, obviously. It’s never too early to be thinking about margaritas. And the only thing better than margaritas is big-batch strawberry basil margaritas for summer. Are you a sweet margarita person? I’ll be honest — I’ve never met a margarita …
Very Hungry Caterpillar Bundt Cake
A Semi-Homemade Showstopper for a Birthday Party or Baby Shower – Made In a Bundt Pan! Preface: In the making of this cake, this mama/baker ate through … one pack of Starburst, two Airhead candies, a handful of chocolate chips, too many white chocolate melting wafers, several chunks of pound cake, lots of M&Ms, and …
Road Trip with Kids: Destination – St. Louis, Missouri
A 4-Day Family Getaway on a Budget As I was planning our summer adventures earlier this season, I realized it had been too long since we’ve taken the kids on a legit overnight trip…mostly because I find traveling with my children more exhausting than rewarding. #sorrynotsorry! I love exploring new places and experiencing them alongside my children, …